DBMS Interview Questions and Answers

DBMS Interview Questions and Answers

Data: It is raw, just a set of facts that by itself doesn't convey anything.
Eg: Student scores 90 marks.

Information: We need to understand the pattern between factual data and give it meaning.
Eg: Student got an A grade.

Knowledge: Synthesis of data and information lead us to answer the HOW question and take business decision.
Eg: Student is a Top Performer.

Database: It is a shared collection of logically related data, design to meet the needs of an organization.

DBMS: Collections of programs to access data. It is a software system that enables the users to define, create, maintain and control access to the database.

Functions of DBMS:
  • Data management: Store, retrieve and update
  • Transaction support: Modify in the database in successful or not
  • Recovery
  • Security
  • Integrity: Maintain accuracy
  • Concurrency control: Simultaneous access provided to users
  • Utilities: Import, export, manage, backup, etc

Keys: It is used to identify any record or row of data from the table. It is also used to establish and identify relationships between tables.

Candidate Key: It is a minimal set of attributes (columns) that can be used to uniquely identify a single tuple (row) in a relation.

Primary Key: It is a candidate key that is selected to uniquely identify a tuple in a relation.

Foreign Key: It is a set of one or more columns in the child table whose values are required to match with the corresponding columns in the parent table.

Data Integrity
  • Entity Integrity (row): Primary Key
  • Domain Integrity (column): Datatypes, check constraint
  • Referential Integrity: Foreign Key

ER Model: It is a graphical representation of entities and their relationship which help in understanding data independent of the actual database implementation.

Entity: Real-world object which has an independent existence.
Attribute: Property that describes an entity.

Cardinality of Relationship
  • 1-1: 1 Employee allocated one computer and not shared.
  • 1-M: 1 Employee allocated many computers and not shared.
  • M-M: Many Employees allocated many computer and shared.

It is a technique to remove or reduce redundancy (duplicate) from a table.

First Normal Form (1NF)
Table should not contain any multivalued attribute.

Second Normal Form (2NF)
  • Table must be in 1NF.
  • All non-prime attributes should be fully functionally dependent on the candidate key.
  • OR
  • There should be no partial dependency.
Third Normal Form (3NF)
  • Table must be in 2NF.
  • There should be no transitive dependency in the table.

Need for 2NF: Insert, update, delete anomalies
Need for 3NF: Cause problem in duplicate rows. 
Eg: If 2 students score the same marks then their grades will also be the same, here the rows will be duplicates.

Transaction: It is a set of operations used to perform a logical unit of work. A transaction generally represented a change in the database.

ACID Properties
  • Atomicity: Either all the statements will run or none.
  • Consistency: Before and after transactions, sum of money should be the same.
  • Isolation: Convert parallel transaction into the serial transaction, because the serial schedule is consistent.
  • Durability: Changes made in the database must be permanent.

DDL: Data Definition Language
It changes the structure of the table like creating, deleting, altering, etc.
  • create
  • alter 
  • drop
  • truncate
DML: Data Manipulation Language
It is used to modify the database tables.
  • insert
  • update
  • delete
DCL: Data Control Language
It is used to grant and revoke authority for any database user.
  • grant
  • revoke
TCL: Transaction Control Language
TCL commands can only use with DML commands like INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE only.
  • commit
  • rollback
  • savepoint
Delete vs Drop vs Truncate
Delete is used to remove a complete table or a particular row (using where clause).
Drop is used to remove the complete table or database.
Truncate is used to delete tables and set constraints to default.

Stored Procedure: It is a SQL statement that you can save and can be reused again.
Eg: Create Procedure Procedure_Name AS SQL_Statement GO;

DBMS Abstraction
  • View: User Interface with which users interact.
  • Logical: Fields, attributes, relations.
  • Physical: Block of storage where data actually stored.

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